HALLOWEEN's HISTORY The word "Halloween" is a contraction of the English expression " All Hallow's Eve ". Literally, it(he,she) means " On Eve of All the Saints ". Seemingly, so, this macabre and humorous Anglo-Saxon celebration would be linked to a holiday(party) solemn and considered like of strict observance for the Catholic Church: on the First of November, festivity of All the Saints. But this is not completely true. Which are Halloween's origins? The real origin of this Anglo-Saxon holiday(party) is thousand-year-old and of varied origin. Halloween has a Celtic root and another Roman. The Romans were dedicating the holiday(party) named Feralia to the rest and the peace of the dead men, doing sacrifices and raising diverse prayers Also the Romans were dedicating a festivity to Pomona, the goddess of the crops and the fruits, which symbol is an apple-obsérvese that one of the traditional games of the Halloween is the game of bitting the apple (bobbing for apples)-. But previously, already the Celtic peoples(villages) of Ireland, Wales, Scotland and north of France, they were celebrating the festivity called Samhain. Samhain or The Samon was a festival that happened between(among) ends of October and beginning of November, a rite in which there was celebrated the end of the season of the crops and the comienz Of the winter.